I woke up at 8 today, got ready to go over to Magnolia's house to spend the day with her and Juliet. I was nervous, but mostly excited. As Magnolia said last night, this is the hardest part and the rest will be easier. Guillermo picked me up at 9:20, he really has gone above and beyond to constantly help me and look out for me. I have now deemed him an honorary uncle. I was so anxious this morning, and everyone was asking me about the night before, so I didn't eat much more that a few spoons of cereal.
On the ride to Magnolia's neighborhood, Guillermo informed me that she wanted to take me to the neighborhood she used to live. The one I described on Friday night's post. It is the neighborhood my brother was murdered in less than 2 years ago. Guillermo and I agreed that today was not the day. Im struggling with when and how to go back. Do I venture there with just the protection of my 5ft birth mother and 5ft1 sister, via public transit? Do I ask Guillermo to come, and take a taxi? Do I not go at all? I think that I will go, but I think I will take Guillermo up on his offer to join. I have a niece that lives there whom I would love to meet. Also, it is the place where I would have grown up.
We arrived to Magnolias after 10, and luckily for me she had made a hearty soup for us to enjoy. We didn't speak too much at first because she was preparing the soup, and my sister was bathing my nephew. Eventually we all sat down together and attempted a conversation. I came prepared with a dictionary and paper, but it turned out to be more difficult than just referring to the dictionary. With possessions, past, present tense, and more than one word used to describe a few things, I quickly realized this was going to be a challenge. Both Magnolia, and Juliet were just happy I was there, and smiled away the awkward misunderstandings. After we finished our soup, Juliet brought me into her room and we looked through photos. She showed me pictures of her graduation from high school, her friends, and my cousins, niece, nephew, grandparents on my moms side, and of course my brother.
We headed to lunch and all decided on pollo (chicken). We got a huge plate of flavorful marinated chicken, arepas, potatoes, and platinos. The food was pretty great, a tad too salty for me....which means my dad would have been in heaven. I offered to contribute to the bill, but Magnolia was not having it. I thanked her for the meal, and she replied by thanking me for finding her.
The mall was walking distance and we just went in and mostly did browsing, with the exception of her buying cooking skillets, and me melting for my nephew and getting him a hot wheels car. We took tons of pics, and I am so excited to see them. Juliet and I really bonded, and walked arm and arm for the whole day almost. My family certainly shares affection in common.
Toy store, playing with my adorable nephew |
Look at that!!! Acrobat sculptures on the ceiling. |
My sister and nephew! Its amazing how you can love people you just met.
I am exhausted and fulfilled. The most challenging, frustrating, and tiring part of the day is just having to constantly try and figure out what they are saying and then trying to reply. Going to have many tutoring sessions now! Overall it was a really wonderful experience, and next saturday I am sleeping over.
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