A bucket list I made a few years ago, in this picture I am pointing to Meet my Birth Mother and Sister
Never in a million years did I think that one week after arriving in Colombia I would locate my birth mother, let alone meet her. Today was a day of revelations and coming to peace with my adoption. Guillermo contacted Magnolia earlier in the day, and called me right after. He said she was scared that I would be angry, but once he told her that was not the case she wanted to meet me. My birth sister had no knowledge of my existence until today, so my bm had expressed some concern about breaking the news. She called Guillermo later in the afternoon to tell him that my sister would be there to meet me as well. We went at 5:30 to drive to meet her and my birth sister. It took about an hour or more to get there. On the ride my stomach started hurting a lot, nerves!!! We finally arrived to the neighborhood, and we were waiting in the car to see her. We pulled up and there she was with my sister. She directed us to the parking lot and when we realized it was a little walk, Guillermo asked her to come in the car. She slid in the back seat right next to me and gave me a big hug. We parked and then she told us that she did not let my sisters husband know about this situation yet, so not to mention it right when we get inside. We reached the building which is a 2 story apartment that is shared by her and another family. We had to walk through the other family's living space to get to her unit. Once upstairs we introduced ourselves to my sisters husband, and then Magnolia gave us a tour of her house. We ended up in her room and she got out picture albums.
I had a brother when I was born, by a different father. He was 2&1/2 years older than I was. He was murdered in the neighborhood we visited last night, 1&1/2 years ago. Out of everyone, he looks the most like me. He has a daughter who is 7 years old, we are going to try to get her to visit me. My sister is 4&1/2 years younger than me. My bm and sister moved out of that super dangerous neighborhood near Usme 1 year ago. It must have been way too painful to stay after the death of my brother. My birthmother was very emotional when talking about him, and showed me many pictures of him and other family members. She said when she got pregnant again after me, she hoped it was a boy because of the guilt she has about giving me up. I gave her the letter I wrote and she asked of me that it would not be the last letter I write to her. She cried before reading it and after. She said she felt like a piece of her has been completed know. I have to say I feel the same. She revealed that she had looked for me 10 years ago, but didn't have the resources or money to find me. She expressed gratitude that I found her, and even extended an invitation for me to spend the night there. I declined mostly due to the curfew that we have at the volunteer apartment, but also because I wasn't prepared for spending the night. She expressed gratitude to my parents for being open about the adoption with me. She also commented on how beautiful my mom is when I showed her pictures, as did my sister.
While we were looking through pictures and talking, my sister went somewhere and bought me a cake and a balloon. The cake had in english writing Welcome Sara. It was delicious!!!

She works 7 days a week, six days a week making shoes and one cleaning. She insisted on making me shoes and fixing the ones I have been walking around in. She said she was not going to work every sunday that I am here so we can spend time together. She told me she thought about me all of the time, and she even showed me pictures that she had of me when I was a baby. I was shocked to see that we had the exact same picture and she had ones from when I was a toddler. She also found out my last name, but there are so many Sara Coopers in the world so she couldn't find me. It makes me feel so good that she was thinking about me, and searching. Both Magnolia and my sister Juliet were warm, loving, and open with me. Both want to continue a relationship with me while I am in Colombia and after. My birthmother said it would make her so happy to have me there for her birthday this year. I found out that we don't really have any generic health problems and that one of my grandparents is 94 and very active. Juliet who is 20 is married and had a son. He was the sweetest kid! Both of them were so kind, and affectionate towards me.
I am overwhelmed with emotions, and a strange sense of calm, now having met her and knowing she wants me in her life. Here are only a few of my favorite pictures from today.
This is a shirt of Magnolia's that she gave to me. Juliet and Magnolia wrote on it, From you family Giraldo, you are always in our hearts. They also wrote their names, my nephew's, and my brothers name.
I truly feel once again like the luckiest person in the world. Good Night!
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