
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fashion Police: Bogota Edition

For those of you who just met me in Colombia, or only have seen me through pics on my blog you would not know this, but I have a passion for fashion!  Most of you i.e. friends and family are familiar with my sense of style, creative nails, and opinions on clothes.  Heck I am even a stylist to my bestie on special occasions.  That being said, I thought I'd step away from all the serious emotional birth family stuff, and my everyday volunteering here it is, my take and review on Colombian Fashion...or lack there of.

Lets start with the ladies! Most woman have long hair, and some have dyed it in various unrealistic colors, like bright red.  Most value their natural color, and don't really style it with a lot of products.  Jeans are a constant staple, and oh boy the tighter the better!  I am talking 2 sizes too small, skin tight, muffin top, camel toe producing pants.  Shirts are usually t-shirts or hoodies.  In the area we live similar to the financial district, I have seen much better outfits.  Nothing super special though.  The business attire here is on the sexy side, skirts being way above the knee.  Or the business wear is generic.  From what I have seen woman here do not take fashion risks.  I am underwhelmed.  Something I do appreciate is the nail polish and nail designs!

The men on the flip side are very expressive with their fashion and hair!  Can you say Mullet??!! Oy Vey, I do not think I have seen this many mullets since the movie Wayne's World came out!  Hair gel is huge here for men, and the more the better!  In addition to mullets, and mohawks, there are various gravity defying hair do's.  The men tend to wear skin tight, ever so revealing pants in all colors, mostly jeans and white pants.  Tight t-shirts are a must also, and for colder weather nice fitted jackets and scarfs.  There are plenty of nicely dressed business men here also.  I would define men here mostly as metrosexual for sure!

The most impressive aspect of Colombian fashion has been on the pooch side.  Even in some of the poorest neighborhoods we have been to, I have seen dogs wearing dresses.  The neighborhood we live in is the fashion capitol of the pooch world.  Fitted fall jackets are a must!  Also Colombian soccer jerseys are a huge trend!  I have been searching for the illusive person who sells these jerseys specially made for dogs since week one.  Milo and Mia should not be left out!  I thought I was bad, turns out I need to step my game up!  Thats a challenge I will gladly accept.  (No dogs will be harmed upon acceptance of said challenges.)  Do dogs feel embarrassed?  I am going to go with the assumption that they don't.  Well, that concludes my step away from the usually serious and informative blog post.

In other news: Today I taught 5th & 6th grade, and after school classes.  It went well, I winged most of it.  The program would benefit from a more structured, organized, lesson plan and notes on what the kids know because quite frankly I am aiming in the dark here.  I am confident I was able to at least teach them something in english today, despite the downsides.  Until next time...Night :)

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